Thursday, 16 February 2017

The eight-year cycle of Chanakya

The eight-year cycle of Chanakya Chanakya in his neeti wrote that the cycle of corruption does not last for more than eight years. He said that people who acquire money by unethical means will have to pay back to the society within eight years. Right or wrong, whether you believe in Chanakya Neeti or not it provides a good message for the youngsters in the society to follow the right path of truthfulness. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita has written that everybody has to pay the price of their bad deeds or karmas sooner or later. It is the sum total of bad and good karmas, which decides the ultimate fate. Chanakya probably meant that all those who keep on earning money by unethical means and not doing simultaneously good deeds will have to suffer within eight years. The eight-year cycle is also seen in public bhedchal. Public cannot be befooled for more than eight years in a succession. The number eight is an arbitrary number and may mean six or ten years. If we look back over the years, we can see the change in public behavior every 6-10 years as far as their preference for a particular type of health wave is concerned. There was the time of Sherry Lewis weight management program which came like a storm, stayed in the market for 6-8 years and then vanished altogether. Everybody wanted to manage their weight the Sherry Lewis way. Then came the era of Personal Point, which saw a chain of weight management programs coming up and which lasting for a few more years. This was followed by weight management the Vandana Luthra way. The weight management era was followed by the era of “Reiki”. During this period all the newspapers were carried reiki advertisements and every second person in the family wanted to become a reiki master. Today no such advertisements appear in the newspapers and nobody wants to learn reiki. Then came the trend of drinking ghiya juice and doing anulom-vilom Pranayama. In spirituality, we also saw a wave of transcendental meditation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi but the movement did not last long as he quickly realized that selling spirituality in India was not easy and it was not the right time. In terms of public behavior too, we have witnessed phases of craze for cycling, exercising, jogging, aerobic dancing, gym, western dancing, etc. From health point of view the required era is that of walking. An era where everybody from child to adult takes up walking. Medical science has shown that walking 10,000 steps a day, routine walking 60 minutes, or brisk walking 40 minutes a day (continuous or divided into four walks of 10 minutes each) are health-friendly and can reduce the burden of diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Following the Vyapam scam, the Supreme Court cancelled degrees of 634 doctors for corruption in MBBS admissions in Madhya Pradesh between 2008 and 2012 and said admissions obtained through a mass fraud called "Vyapam scam" could not be condoned. The cycle of stents has also shown a reverse gear now with its coming under price control. Things, just as life, come a full circle, completing a full cycle. Dr KK Aggarwal National President IMA and HCFI

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