Wednesday, 30 August 2017

IMA Fast for Non Violence on 2nd October

IMA Fast for Fast on 2nd October Dear Colleague During the recent meeting of IMA National Action Group, it has been decided to observe "IMA Fast for Non Violence", a Dawn to Dusk Fast by every Branch and every member of IMA on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, October 2, 2017 from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm, to mark our continuing Satyagraha to the Government to take action on our demands. All Medical Organizations and Associations (FOMA) and all members of IMA are requested through our State & Local Leaders to observe the fast on 2nd October 2017, in support of our pending demands. The broad guidelines for observing the above Fast shall be as follows:- • Pandals to be erected near the District Collectorate in all the Districts of the country. • Prominent leaders of the district to take part in the Fast. • Necessary banners, backdrops and Placards to be prepared and displayed in the Pandal (content will be made available soon on IMA website). • All medical students to be involved in the Fast and they will organize their Fasts in respective Medical Colleges in specially erected dedicated pandals (necessary backdrops, banners to be arranged). • All practicing doctors to observe “Dawn to Dusk Fast” in their Clinics/Medical Institutions while working. • All fasting participants to wear badges (content of badge to be provided by IMA HQs). • Proper reporting to be done to IMA HQs on the proforma (to be provided by IMA HQs.) along with digital copies of photographs of the event. • Special venues for the Fast are: o Rajghat o Sabarmati Ashram, Gujarat o Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Sevagram, Wardha You are requested to kindly take suitable necessary action at your Branch level to ensure utmost success of the event, which will go a long way in acceptance of our demands by the Govt. Dr KK Aggarwal, National President, IMA Dr RN Tandon, Hony. Secretary General, IMA Dr RV Asokan, Chairman, IMA National Action Cell Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are entirely my own.

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