Blood Donation Camps on Doctor’s Day
Greetings from IMA HQs
As you are aware, every year, 1st of July is observed as IMA Doctors’ Day on various themes. One of the main activities is organizing nationwide Blood Donation Camps. This year also we are requesting all our state and local branches to arrange Blood Donation Camps in their respective areas.
IMA in association with Abbott Healthcare Solutions Division will also be organizing Special Camps on various locations as mentioned below:
Mr. Jyotishman Bourah, Head-Knowledge Management Health Care Solutions, Mobile No. +91-9619423161, email Id will be get in touch with you for logistic help for organizing blood donation camps.
Criteria for organizing the Blood Donation camp are as follows:
• Only voluntary blood units to be collected.
• Govt.-recognized regional blood centers to be approached to collect the blood.
• Every blood unit to be converted into blood component.
• Donor card to be given to every donor.
• Picture of every donor to be taken for record.
• Those who are not donating the blood but want to take pledge, separate records to be maintained.
• Data of rare blood group donor to be entered into IMA Website directory
• Every donor may also be given an option for - I Pledge My Organ-
Please also send us a list of donors which will be uploaded on the website of IMA.
Apart from the donors from the Abbott Group, other donors can also donate at these sites.
Appropriate media may be invited to cover the event. A standard press release will be forwarded to you in due course of time.
You are requested to kindly arrange other blood donation camps in a befitting manner and send us the brief report of the same.
For any further enquiry, please get in touch with Dr. N V Kamat, Principal Advisor, IMA HQs at +91-9810446260, Email Id:
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