Friday, 22 July 2016

IMA & HCFI stand for AIDS control and hold a webcast on the latest innovations in the prevention, treatment and care regime

IMA & HCFI stand for AIDS control and hold a webcast on the latest innovations in the prevention, treatment and care regime New Delhi, 21st July, 2016: As per India HIV estimation 2015 report, there are nearly 21 lakhs HIV positive people in our country out of which a huge population is not even aware of their condition. These appalling figures substantiate the fact that India has the third largest number of people living with HIV in the world. In India, the prevalence of HIV positive among pregnant ladies is 0.11%, 2% among commercial female sex workers (FSW), 4% among male sex workers (MSW) and 11% among Intravenous drug users. The need for raising awareness about the available diagnostic procedures and the treatments for AIDS is a matter of prime importance in our country. Stressing on the urgent need to eliminate the social stigma around the disease, the IMA and Heart Care Foundation of India organised a webcast today. The expert faculty for the same consisted of Dr P S Nayyer, Consultant Physician, BSAH, Former Addl, Project Director, Delhi State AIDS Control Society, Dr. VK Monga, Dean, IMA CGPand Padma Shri Awardee Dr KK Aggarwal – President HCFI & Honorary Secretary General IMA. Speaking about the same, Padma Shri Awardee Dr KK Aggarwal – President HCFI & Honorary Secretary General IMA said, "Not many people are aware that the diagnosis and treatment of HIV positive patients are free in India. One can just walk into any Govt. centre and get herself/himself checked. Now when someone is diagnosed with Tuberculosis, it has become advisable to get him/her tested for HIV too. It is true vice versa. Earlier the better is what is being practiced in the HIV treatment module now. Earlier people used to wait for the symptoms to appear but now action is taken fast so as to bring more and more number of HIV patients under treatment. Healthcare workers if struck by any needle injury and all rape victims should undergo Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Those who indulge in high risk sexual activity and do not want to take protection should undergo PEP on a continuous basis.” Adding to this, Dr P S Nayyer, Consultant Physician, BSAH, Former Addl, Project Director, Delhi State AIDA Control Society said, ”The diagnosis of AIDS cannot be based on a single test. If one test is positive, repeat tests need to be done. Safe sexual practices and safe blood transfusion are the key. For Intravenous drug users, safe needle exchange programmes are there which entail single use and safe needle practice. There has been lot of advancements in the Antenatal and perinatal strategies to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection. It should be known that mother-to-child HIV transmission is 100% controllable, preventable and curable. HIV should not be considered a stigma. It is a chronic manageable disease like Hepatitis B and C. In terms of transmission, Hepatitis B virus is more transmissible than HIV. Hepatitis C now is curable and thus, there is a hope that HIV will also be curable. ” A few points discussed in the webcast include 1. India has nearly 21 lakh HIV positive patients 2. Diagnosis and treatment of AIDS are free in India 3. Earlier the better is the new mantra for HIV treatment 4. Diagnosis is not based on a single test. If 1 test is +ve, repeat tests need to be done. 5. Safe sexual practice is the key 6. Mother to child HIV transmission is 100% preventable, controllable and curable 7. HIV is no more a stigma; it is a chronic manageable disease like Hepatitis B and C 8. Hepatitis C is now curable and there is hope that AIDS too will also be curable

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