Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Dengue fever is harder to treat in obese and overweight patients

Dengue fever is harder to treat in obese and overweight patients
Individuals who have a high body mass index are more likely to suffer severe capillary leakage and even worse Dengue infection.
New Delhi, 23rd August 2016: The National Capital city is going through a lot of chaos and disorder amid the prevailing medical crisis because of Dengue and Chikungunya outbreak. People living with other lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes and heart disease must be more careful since they can develop complications.

Dengue and Chikungunya are flu-like viral diseases that are transmitted through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. The Aedes mosquito often breeds in standing water, discarded tires, flowerpots and vases, oil drums and water storage containers. One must remember that the adult mosquitoes like to bite inside as well as around homes, during the day and at night when the lights are on. To protect oneself, it is important to use mosquito repellents while indoors or out. When possible, people must wear long sleeve shirts and long pants for additional protection.   Also, they must make sure that the window and door screens are secure and without holes. Sitting in air-conditioned rooms can reduce the incidence of the disease.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever:
·       Sudden onset of fever
·       A severe headache and pain behind the eyes
·       Muscle and Joint pain  
·       Red rashes spreading on lower limbs and chest
·       Nausea and vomiting
·       Loss of appetite
·       Unusual abdominal pain

Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever:
·       Blood vessels start leaking/ capillary leakage
·       Unusual bleeding from the nose, mouth and gums
·       Massive bleeding due to disseminated intravascular coagulation
·       Blood vessels may collapse
·       High fever may cause shock (Dengue shock syndrome)

According to Padma Shri Awardee, Dr K K Aggarwal – Honorary Secretary General IMA and President HCFI, “Individuals who are obese or have a high mass body index tend to suffer from a severe symptom known as capillary leakage after contacting dengue infection. In such condition, body fluid leaks from blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. This permeability is likely to cause major complications in organs like liver, brain and kidneys. When lots of fluids are present in the lungs, obese patients often face breathing difficulties. The chances of catching Dengue infection can’t be eliminated entirely, but one can create a safer environment by taking immediate precautions. Additionally, individuals who are already suffering from one or the other co morbidities need to be kept in close observation and should be given medical assistance whenever the symptoms are reported. “
In the case of obese patients, there can be complications with the fluctuations in the blood pressure levels. Also, sometimes the patient’s current medication schedule might clash with prescribed medicines during Dengue infection. This can lead to adverse effects on an individual’s health and his organs. The best way to reduce chances of acquiring the illness is to eliminate the places where the mosquito lays her eggs, like artificial containers that hold water in and around the home. Outdoors, one must regularly clean water containers like pet and animal water containers, flower planter dishes and keep water storage barrels covered.

An easy to apply ‘formula 20’ that can be used to identify Dengue fever: 
·           If there is a rise in pulse by 20
·           Fall in upper blood pressure by 20
·           Rise in hematocrit by 20 percent
·           Rapid fall in platelets to less than 20,000
·           Platelets count of more than 20 in one inch after tourniquet test
·           If the difference between upper and lower blood pressure is less than 20, then such cases should be given 20 ml of fluid per kg immediately and then shifted to nearest medical centre for medical assistance
Over the past few years, Dengue infection has become one of the most prevalent infectious diseases affecting children and adults. But there’s something more alarming about this infection; Dengue is proving to be fatal in case of individuals who have any other major health impairment like a heart disease, diabetes or any existing liver issues. The best way to get rid of this mosquito-borne disease is maintaining a hygienic environment and adopting a health lifestyle.

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