Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Be a part of IMA's Blood Donation Movement

Be a part of IMA's Blood Donation Movement In the midst of stories of assaults on medical doctors and their establishments, National IMA team, with your support, has undertaken a herculean task of collecting more than one lakh blood component units on 1st July on the occasion of the Doctor’s Day. Indian Medical Association (IMA) is now community-friendly and has been engaged in activities that promote the betterment of the health of the community as well as the patients. India is the second most populous country in the world with a population of more than 1.2 billion. Yet, we are only 10% of the world requirement (13 million). India is a “Blood donation deficient” country with a deficit of 2 million in terms of units of blood collected. Blood donation is a humanitarian task. So, I request all IMA members to organize blood donation camps under the banner of IMA and pledge to transform India from a “Blood donation deficient” country to “Blood donation surplus” country. All blood donation camps should be “voluntary donation” “non-remunerated” and “Only components”. No camps should be organized for whole blood donation. “Only components” donation will save more than one life. The World Health Organization (WHO) has set a goal for all countries to obtain all their blood supplies from 100% voluntary unpaid donors by the year 2020. As I had mentioned few days back that IMA is now proposing the 1st of every month, starting from Doctor’s Day this year, as IMA Blood Donation Day. And, what better day than today to reaffirm our pledge as today happens to be the World Blood Donation Day. Be a part of the IMA’s Blood Donation Movement… IMA HQs and State Branches are waiting to felicitate you on your feat… Dr KK Aggarwal National President IMA Dr RN Tandon Hony Secy Gen IMA Dr Naresh Chawla Joint Secy, IMA-CGP National Coordinator, Blood Donation Movement

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