Thursday, 2 June 2016

Yet another life lost to sudden cardiac arrest; Actor Rajak Khan dies at the age of 62

Yet another life lost to sudden cardiac arrest; Actor Rajak Khan dies at the age of 62
Sudden cardiac death is preventable and reversible if mass level awareness is raised about its warning signs as well as how to perform the life-saving technique of hands-only CPR 10

New Delhi, June 2, 2016: Actor Rajak Khan died at the age of 62 yesterday. With another life lost at a relatively young age due to a sudden cardiac arrest, the Heart Care Foundation of India and Indian Medical Association urged the medical fraternity to raise awareness. A sudden cardiac arrest has some basic warning signs and it is crucial that every person above the age of 30 is made aware about them. Death due to a sudden cardiac arrest can also be reversed within 10 minutes if hands only CPR 10 is performed on the patient. It is an easy to learn technique, and must be taught to the entire population at large.
A sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the electrical conducting system of the heart fails and the heart beats irregularly and very fast (more than 1000 times, technically called as ventricular fibrillation). Soon after the heart suddenly stops beating and the blood flow to the brain stops. As a result, the person becomes unconscious and stops normal breathing. A cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack, but it may be caused by a heart attack. In most cases, sudden cardiac arrest may be reversible in the first 10 minutes. This is possible because the brain remains alive during this period when the heart and respiration have stopped, a situation called clinical death. 
Continuous compression only CPR compresses the heart between the sternum and the backbone and builds up the pressure that keeps the oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and keeps the person alive until a defibrillator becomes available or expert medical help arrives. Therefore, if you see someone collapse from sudden cardiac arrest, acting promptly can save his or her life. It is important to act quickly for every minute lost reduces the chances of revival by 10%. So, if you wait 5 minutes, the chances of surviving are 50% less. The earlier you give CPR to a person in cardiac arrest, the greater the chance of a successful resuscitation.
Speaking about the initiative, Padma Shri Awardee Dr KK Aggarwal, President Heart Care Foundation of India & Honorary Secretary General IMA said, “We mourn the death of actor Rajak Khan. Around 240,000 people die every year due to heart attacks and we believe that 50% of them can be saved if 20% of the population learns hands only CPR. The technique is easy to learn, can be performed by anyone and is extremely effective. What people need to remember is two things, one CPR must not be practiced on a person who is breathing, has a pulse rate and is clinically alive. It must be administered within ten minutes of someone's death and continued till the ambulance arrives or the person is revived. A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time and a simple formula can help save a loved one's life”

“The Heart Care Foundation of India Hands- Only CPR 10 mantra is: Within 10 minutes of death (earlier the better), for a minimum of 10 minutes (adults 25 minutes and children 35 minutes), compress the center of the chest of the deceased person continuously and effectively with a speed of 10×10 = 100 per minute” he added

Most patient’s who suffer a sudden cardiac arrest would have some mild warning symptoms, but these often go ignored.  It is important to remember the following points

·         Do not ignore symptoms like of first attack of acidity or asthma after the age 30
·         Do not ignore non localized chest pain lasting more than 30 seconds
·         Do not ignore heaviness in the center of the chest
·         Do not ignore burning or heaviness in the center of the chest
·         Do not ignore diffuse tightness in the center of the chest
·         Do not ignore jaw pain after exertion
·         Do not ignore early morning chest discomfort
·         Do not ignore breathlessness upon exertion
·         Do not ignore chest pain radiating to left arm or back
·         Do not ignore unexplained sweating or tiredness

If found to be suffering from any of these, immediately chew 3000 mg water soluble aspirin and rush to the nearest doctor. If someone starts gasping due to a cardiac arrest give a heart message or cardio pulmonary resuscitation. No one should be declared dead without CPR procedure.
To know more or to organize a training camp in your locality, please call the NGO’s helpline number 9958771177.

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About Heart Care Foundation of India
Initiated in 1986, the Heart Care Foundation of India is a leading National NGO working in the field of creating mass health awareness among people from all walks of life and providing solutions for India's everyday healthcare needs. The NGO uses consumer-based entertainment modules to impart health education and increase awareness amongst people. A leading example of this is the Perfect Health Mela, an annual event started in 1993 that is attended by over 2-3 lakh people each year. The Mela showcases activities across categories such as health education seminars and check-ups, entertainment programs, lifestyle exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and competitions. In addition to this, the NGO conducts programs and camps to train people on the technique of hands only CPR through its CPR 10 mantra for revival after a sudden cardiac arrest. They currently hold three Limca book of world records for the maximum number of people trained in hands-only CPR in one go. Keeping article 21 of the Indian constitution in mind, which guarantees a person Right to Life, Heart Care Foundation of India has also recently initiated a project called the Sameer Malik Heart Care Foundation Fund to ensure that no one dies of a heart disease just because they cannot afford treatment.

Media Contact
Sanjeev Khanna – 9871079105
Md Adib Ahmad – 9873716235

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