Tuesday, 2 February 2016

HCFI’s film ‘Scientific Awareness on good personal hygiene’ to be screened at the 6th National Science Film Festival (NSFF) 2016 in Mumbai

HCFI’s film ‘Scientific Awareness on good personal hygiene’ to be screened at the 6th National Science Film Festival (NSFF) 2016 in Mumbai

New Delhi, February 2, 2015: Vigyan Prasar (VP), an autonomous organisation under the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India has shortlisted leading National NGO Heart Care Foundation of India’s (HCFI) film titled ‘Scientific Awareness on good personal hygiene’ to be screened at its 6th National Science Film Festival (NSFF) 2016 taking place from Feb 9-13, 2016 at the Nehru Science Centre in Mumbai.
NSFF is aimed at to showcasing, nurturing, acknowledging and encouraging efforts by institution, individual and student science filmmakers for their outstanding work. The film was prepared by HCFI to help educate school children on the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene. The elements covered included the right hand-washing technique, why basic habits such as brushing ones teeth and taking a shower daily are important amongst others. It was shown to over 50,000 school children belonging to 200 schools in partnership with DST.
Speaking about the achievement, Padma Shri Awardee – Dr KK Aggarwal, President HCFI said, “It is a great honor to have our film shortlisted to be screened at the NSFF under the non-competitive category. HCFI’s primary aim since its inception 25 years ago has been to raise health awareness in the country backed by scientific reasoning.  Improper sanitation, unhygienic habits, unclean surroundings, improper disposal of waste and open defecation all drastically increase the prevalence of disease in our country. It is deplorable that over 3 lakh children die before the age of 3 every year of diarrheal illnesses. This situation is preventable if right from the very onset children are made aware about the inextricable relationship between sanitation and health. For this reason we decided to make this film and our happy to see our efforts being recognized.”

HCFI believes that over 50% of the common diseases such as Malaria, Cholera, Diarrhea, Typhoid, Gastroenteritis can be prevented just by keeping one's environment clean and maintaining good personal hygiene.

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