Monday, 14 March 2016

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

·         Stick to a consistent sleep schedule and routine. Go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. 
·         Use the bed only for sleep.
·         Cut down on caffeine. Some people may have a sleepless night with just one cup of coffee in the morning.  Caffeine can also increase the need to urinate during the night.
·         Be physically active. With regular aerobic exercise, you will fall asleep faster, attain a higher percentage of restorative deep sleep and also awaken less often during the night.
·         Limit daytime naps. Too many daytime naps may prevent you from feeling tired enough to fall asleep.
·         Quit tobacco as nicotine makes it harder to fall asleep.
·         Use alcohol cautiously. Alcohol depresses the nervous system; hence, a nightcap may help some people fall asleep. But this effect wanes off after a few hours and may even keep you awake throughout the night. Alcohol can also worsen snoring.
·         Improve your sleep surroundings. Remove the television, telephone and any other devices from the bedroom. An ideal environment is quiet, dark, and relatively cool, with a comfortable bed and minimal clutter.
·         If you're still awake after about 20 minutes in bed, get up and read awhile to relax.
·         Try to avoid taking sleeping pills. 

(Source: Harvard Health Beat)

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