Sunday, 1 January 2017

Stop NMC Amend MCI

Stop NMC Amend MCI 

Dr K K Aggarwal
National President IMA

‘Stop NMC Amend MCI’ is the updated slogan. First of all we congratulate all the state and local branches for the success of the November 16th Stop NMC Satyagraha. It has made the necessary impact with the Government of India. IMA’s strength in organising the doctors on an All India basis has positioned it as the rightful leader of the medical profession.

The right way to proceed now is to offer amendments to the MCI Act to address the concerns expressed by the Parliamentary committee while resisting the formation of National Medical Commission. The following is the plan of action for the state branches:

1.     Awareness about NMC bill amongst members

·         A common PowerPoint is being made and will be provided by IMA HQs.
·         A State level emergency Presidents/ Secretaries meet is suggested to be called to sensitize local branch officials on NMC. This may be combined with a state level workshop on amendments in MCI Act. The recommendations of the workshop may be drafted with clarity and forwarded to the undersigned as early as possible before the central council. These shall address the concerns of the Government and public in the functioning of MCI.  This will include presumed corruption of inspection in medical colleges as well as kickbacks and commissions received by a section of medical fraternity from Scan Centers, Laboratories and other clinical establishments.
·         All local branches should discuss NMC bill in their December meeting. A brief note about NMC may be sent along with the meeting notice itself so that even members who do not attend the meeting are sensitised.

2.    Lobbying

·         Meet your MP programme: All local branches will be issued a standard memorandum and briefing on NMC and encouraged to meet their MPs. Wherever applicable branches can combine action.
·         Meet your State Government programme: The states have played a major role in endorsing NMC. All state branches should meet their respective state Governments and lobby for stopping NMC and amending IMC act.

3. Shaping public opinion: NMC opens at least 60% of the seats in private medical colleges to bidding by market forces. What is worse is that this could be even as high as 90% to 95%. The stakeholders in this issue are the students who wish to take up medical career and their parents. This is a very large constituency. Press conferences, statements, articles in print media and effective intervention in visual media are suggested.

4. Medical Colleges: The next focus of action shall be the medical colleges in the country. The State President and State Secretary of the States shall function as Coordinators for the action in the medical colleges. A common document to address the students shall be sent by IMA HQs. Medical students in every medical college of the States shall be addressed. A call for action in the medical colleges of the country in the 2nd week of January 2017 will be given. 

5. Service Organisations: Efforts to post Ayush doctors in PHCs are already spreading. Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka have issued orders to this effect. Service organisations of the states should be taken into confidence about NMC and its implications. Their support and cooperation should be solicited.

6. State Medical Councils: State Medical Councils should be briefed and sensitised. They may pass resolution against NMC. 

A weekly report from the states is expected .This would help in preparing an All India Report which in turn shall keep up the momentum.

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