Tuesday, 3 January 2017

A paradigm shift in the thinking of IMA this year

A paradigm shift in the thinking of IMA this year IMA represents the collective consciousness of 2.8 lakh doctors across 1700 local branches and 31 state branches. To further strengthen the Association, this year we have envisaged a proactive role for IMA: moving on from what “IMA can do” to what “IMA Should Do” or “IMA to Do”. We have also defined our guiding principles for this year. In 2017, IMA policies will be based on • Collaboration rather than cooperation • Right action and not convenient action • Good plans and not quick plans • Good Governance • Financial stability • Effective time management • From professional to community priority Our endeavor would be a collaborative approach to problem solving or tackling issues and challenges, where, unlike in cooperation, we work together in partnership towards one common goal. A collaborative approach accomplishes more than what can be done at an individual level. I ask all IMA leaders to close their eyes and imagine themselves as President of IMA for a minute and think of what they could do to help the organization and the community via the Association. And that is what they contribute to the working of IMA. Give 2 minutes of your time every day to IMA and come out with ideas and plans and submit them to IMA HQs for review and possible implementation. Right action taken at the right time yields the desired result, which is long-lasting. The path of right action may be tough, yet it is the one we will choose to solve a problem, rather than a more convenient action. A convenient action gives immediate gains, while the right action may not give immediate results. Our aim is not to meet short-term goals. Hence, we want policies to be guided by good plans, which lay down a solid foundation. Good plans increase efficiency of working, facilitate effective utilization of resources, provide direction, promote teamwork and are goal-oriented. The gains from a good plan trickle down generations. Good plans therefore are not quick plans. Governance simply means decision making and implementation of decisions. Good governance has 8 major characteristics as described by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. Let us all follow these principles in one voice and make the Indian medical profession the best in the world. Dr KK Aggarwal National President IMA and HCFI

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